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The group of Lin Jianwei Visited EDRI

Source: 中國光網(wǎng) Date Issued: 2016-08-12 Page View: 310

On the afternoon of August 11, Comrade Zhao Zhenyuan received Lin Jianwei, Chairman of Lin Jianwei, Vice President of Xia Wenjin and Director Yan Zheng in the hospital, and both sides held in-depth talks and reached the intention of cooperation on new energy industry cooperation. Chairman Lin, accompanied by Zhao Zhenyuan, visited the new building and the EDRI Exhibition Hall under renovation. Comrade Zhao Zhenyuan introduced the history of the growth of EDRI to the guests. Comrade Chen Wei introduced the general situation of the Pavilion.


Zhao Zhenyuan takes photo with Lin Jianwei



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