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President Zhao attended the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th People’s Congress of Chengdu

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2016-01-13 Page View: 874

Chairman of the Board of Directors, President of the Municipal People's Congress and Representative Comrade Zhao Zhenyuan attended the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th People's Congress of Chengdu Municipality, Today Huang Xinchu, Member of the Standing Committee of Sichuan Province and Secretary of Chengdu Party Committee, attended the Group Discussion Meeting of Chenghua District. Zhao, as the first representative, made a speech, and Zhao elaborated on the development trend of the electronic information industry both at home and abroad in a comprehensive manner, On the status, gap, potential and suggestions of Chengdu City, Secretary Huang attached great importance to Zhao's speech. After listening to the opinions of the representatives, Secretary Huang delivered a very important speech on the development of Chenghua District.





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