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CEC Vice General Manager of Human Resources Hu Yumei and his party came to EDRI to announce the employment

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2009-07-14 Page View: 3432

On 7 January 2009 at 14∶30 p.m., President Zhao hosted a video conference of all cadres and Party members in the multi-functional hall. Hu Yumei, Vice President of CEC Human Resources, Lin Yibing, Director-in-charge Wang Shilong; Chen Xiaohua, Vice Secretary of Party Committee of our Institute; Liu Shengchun, Wang Jiansheng, He Ping, Yao Wei, Senior Vice President of our Institute, Wang Heng, newly appointed vice-secretary of the Party committee, all the cadres and members of the General Committee of the Communist Party of China attended the meeting in the multi-functional hall, and the project team members of each branch of the Party Committee participated in the meeting via video link.


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