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Zhao zhenyuan and other leaders of the institute came to the suzhou branch

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2018-01-24 Page View: 1000

On the morning of Jan. 24, 2018, the cold wind in Sucheng was sharp, as if the snow might fall from the gray sky at any moment. Suzhou Branch, but the warmth of the Department, laughter. Comrade Zhao Zhenyuan, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Party Secretary, and Wang Mingyun and Bai Yan, members of the Executive Team, visited the Branch and directed the work, Under the warm welcome of Suzhou Branch Chairman Wei Jian, Dean Wang Shuxia and Executive Vice President Sun Hua, Comrade Zhao Zhenyuan sends warm greetings to the cadres and staff of the Branch and talks with us about the present and the future.


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