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EDRI Won the Title of "Excellent Cooperative Unit" in 2017 Chengdu CLP Ruiyengxuan Project

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2018-01-26 Page View: 1000

Passion CLP, Glory Chengdu, completed by the Beijing Branch of EDRI Original Beijing City Building and Reorganization of the Beijing Branch of the "Chengdu CLP Ruijing Xuan" Design Project, At present, the project is being carried out according to plan, which is the first time for our company to complete two super-high-rise projects of more than 100 meters. In 2017, we worked closely with Chengdu Zhongdian Investment Management Co., Ltd., and made great contributions to the smooth development of the project of "Rui Cheng Xuan". We won the title of "Outstanding Cooperative Unit" in 2017.


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