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Zhao Zhenyuan Attended the First Cadre Work Meeting of Northwest China District in 2019

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2019-01-09 Page View: 1500

On January 9, 2019 at 8:30am, the first cadre work meeting of Northwest China
 District of EDRI in 2019 was held in Xi'an. Zhao Zhenyuan attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.


宁晋县| 大关县| 介休市| 本溪| 卢湾区| 和平县| 大渡口区| 绥棱县| 金坛市| 定远县| 开平市| 长丰县| 双辽市| 兴海县| 栾川县| 林甸县| 读书| 禹州市| 大姚县| 万年县| 江华| 黄陵县| 额济纳旗| 南漳县| 北京市| 沭阳县| 德庆县| 武汉市| 云安县| 兴国县| 肇东市| 梓潼县| 淳化县| 调兵山市| 榆社县| 南郑县| 孟州市| 台东县| 信宜市| 东宁县| 信丰县|