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EDRI won the? "China Construction Engineering Luban Award"

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2024-01-04 Page View: 2000

The Comprehensive Laboratory Building (Tsinghua University Comprehensive Laboratory Building, etc.) and the Teaching and Scientific Research (School of Economics and Management Expansion and Three Innovation Center) (Teaching and Scientific Research Room), which are constructed with the participation of EDRI, won the "China Construction Project Luban Award" (National high grade project) for the first time in 2022 ~ 2023.

苏州市| 霍山县| 邵武市| 房产| 德钦县| 如皋市| 长武县| 彰武县| 台北市| 崇明县| 成武县| 丰都县| 霍城县| 灌南县| 苗栗县| 哈尔滨市| 二手房| 岳池县| 射洪县| 无棣县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 吉安县| 讷河市| 新蔡县| 鄂尔多斯市| 绿春县| 米林县| 张北县| 永寿县| 迭部县| 青田县| 清新县| 荣昌县| 阿坝| 巫山县| 繁昌县| 南开区| 赤水市| 滁州市| 荔波县| 石城县|