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EDRI won the? "China Construction Engineering Luban Award"

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2024-01-04 Page View: 2000

The Comprehensive Laboratory Building (Tsinghua University Comprehensive Laboratory Building, etc.) and the Teaching and Scientific Research (School of Economics and Management Expansion and Three Innovation Center) (Teaching and Scientific Research Room), which are constructed with the participation of EDRI, won the "China Construction Project Luban Award" (National high grade project) for the first time in 2022 ~ 2023.

宁德市| 攀枝花市| 恩施市| 商水县| 平塘县| 凤庆县| 昭通市| 株洲县| 贵港市| 启东市| 体育| 乐安县| 霍林郭勒市| 定日县| 包头市| 修武县| 理塘县| 阳新县| 中牟县| 新津县| 米泉市| 甘肃省| 白沙| 都安| 双柏县| 宣威市| 郁南县| 南昌县| 霍州市| 集安市| 孝义市| 米脂县| 西贡区| 寿阳县| 广东省| 吉林省| 微山县| 长寿区| 德昌县| 镇巴县| 犍为县|