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EDRI won the? "China Construction Engineering Luban Award"

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2024-01-04 Page View: 2000

The Comprehensive Laboratory Building (Tsinghua University Comprehensive Laboratory Building, etc.) and the Teaching and Scientific Research (School of Economics and Management Expansion and Three Innovation Center) (Teaching and Scientific Research Room), which are constructed with the participation of EDRI, won the "China Construction Project Luban Award" (National high grade project) for the first time in 2022 ~ 2023.

昌乐县| 牟定县| 武宁县| 浮山县| 丰台区| 神池县| 蚌埠市| 托克托县| 衡水市| 大兴区| 安陆市| 聊城市| 郧西县| 贺州市| 鹤壁市| 淮滨县| 玛纳斯县| 大同市| 河西区| 霍邱县| 荆州市| 桂阳县| 鄂托克旗| 沙洋县| 松潘县| 玉田县| 柘城县| 长汀县| 静安区| 鄂州市| 儋州市| 扶余县| 英德市| 安仁县| 宜丰县| 大新县| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 丹江口市| 威海市| 温州市| 汉沽区|