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Several projects of EDRI have won awards in the 2024 Sichuan Building Information Modeling (BIM) Design Competition

Source: 本站 Date Issued: 2024-12-23 Page View: 3000

Recently, the 2024 Sichuan Building Information Modeling (BIM) Design Competition, hosted by the Sichuan Survey and Design Association, was successfully held in Chengdu. After collective evaluation by the expert group, EDRI achieved excellent results in the Industrial Architecture Group: [Hua Hong Semiconductor Manufacturing (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. - Hua Hong Manufacturing (Wuxi) Project] submitted by the Shanghai Branch won the "First Prize" in the Industrial Architecture Group; [Changfei Advanced Semiconductor (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. - Third-generation Semiconductor Power Device Production Project] submitted by the 2nd  Industrial  Design Institute won the "Third Prize" in the Industrial Architecture Group; and [Medium and Low Voltage Power Device Industrialization (Yixing) Construction Project] submitted by the Shanghai Branch also won the "Third Prize" in the Industrial Architecture Group.


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